Analysis of run timing, transit times, and fish passage efficiency for Atlantic salmon ascending the St. Croix River in 1985

WDWatt ( Walton D. Watt )
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Atlantic Salmon Ascending the St. Croix River in 1985 
"Dear Beland:

Enclosed is my report on 'Analysis of run timing, transit times, and fish passage efficiency for Atlantic ascending the St. Croix River in 1985'. The analysis indicates that upstream fish passage is very inefficient or the run was heavily poached. It is important that someone electrofish and/or seine the main stem St. Croix below Woodland this summer to look for salmon fry arising from the missing spawners..." 
This document is a correspondence between W.D Watt ( Chairman, St. Croix River Working Party) and Mr. Kenneth Beland (Atlantic Sea Run Salmon Commission) concerning the analysis of salmon migration in the St. Croix River.

The document provides relevant information on fish passage in the St. Croix River at that time. The author references two Tables (1, 2, 3, 4)

The author makes a suggestion on the second page referring to 'trucking' fish to enable fish passage:
"I suggest that we seriously consider the feasibility of trucking the fish from Milltown to bypass the upstream fish passage problems at Woodland and Grand Falls. The cost of setting up a trucking operation on the St. Croix River would be much less expensive than major upgrading for the Woodland and Grand Falls Fishways. The trucking option presents a higher likelihood of achieving the goal of a self-sustaining Atlantic salmon run."  
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