Atlas of Essential Wildlife Habitats for Maine's Endangered and Threatened Species

MEDIFW ( Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife )
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Essential Wildlife Habitats in Maine for Endangered and Threatened Species 
"Maine's fish and wildlife are a valuable public resource, yet some species are in danger of becoming extinct within the State. The Maine Legislature recognized this by passing the Maine Endangered Species Act (MRSA Title 12, chapter 713, subchapter V) in 1975. The Act (Appendix A) includes provisions authorizing the Commissioner of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) to designate 'Essential Habitat' for species listed as Endangered or Threatened (Appendix B), and to develop protection guidelines for these areas.

Essential Wildlife Habitats are 'areas currently or historically providing physical or biological features essential to the conservation of an Endangered or Threatened Species in Maine and which may require special management considerations'. As required under the Maine Endangered Species Act, any project which occurs partly or wholly within a designated Essential Habitat and is permitted, licensed, funded, or carried out by a state agency or municipal government must be approved by MDIFW before project activities can take place. Activities of private landowner are not affected by this law unless they require a state or municipal permit or license, or are funded or carried out by a state agency or municipality." 
This document is an atlas of topographical maps that illustrate specific areas of habitat that are essential for endangered and threatened species in Maine.
The document was produced by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Topics Include:
- Inland Fisheries and wildlife Rules
- Review Process for Projects that may be Affected by Essential Habitat Rule
- Instructions for Completing the 'Application for Project Approval'
- Application for Project Approval (MDIFW Form EHR3/91)
- Index to Essential Wildlife Habitat Maps by Town
- Essential Wildlife Habitat Maps
- Appendices (Maine Endangered Species Act, 12 MRSA, Maine endangered and Threatened Species List, MDIFW Issue Profiles, List of Essential Habitat Maps and Their Current Effective Dates 
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