St. John River Basin Water Quality Management Plan - Final Report

MENMRPC ( Northern Maine Regional Planning Commission )
Specific Waterway Management Maine  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
A Water quality management plan for the St. John River Basin in Northern Maine 

This report presents a water quality management plan for the United States' section of the St. John River Basin. The study was undertaken by the Northern Maine Regional Planning Commission (NMRPC) for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Subcontractors to the NMRPC were the Edward C. Jordan Co., Inc., and Meta Systems, Inc. The study was initiated in 1972 to present a comprehensive framework plan for water quality management in the Basin; however the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (PL 92-500) restructured the plan to meet as much as possible the requirements of Section 303(e), basin water quality management planning. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection prepared a draft Section 303(e) water quality management plan for the Aroostook River Subbasin in May 1975, and a reclassification report for the Prestile Stream in March 1974. Waste load allocations for the Aroostook River and Prestile Stream were performed as part of these reports, and major study findings are reflected in this plan for the overall St. John River Basin..." 
This document is an overview of the water quality management plan produced in 1976 for Maine's shared portion of the St. John River.

Topics Include:
- General multi-point description of the St. John River and its unique international and environmental attributes.
- Analysis of present (1976) water quality standards and influences
- Monitoring and Surveillance
- Benthic Study
- Sedimentation Study
- Nonpoint Source Abatement Measures
- Mathematical Models (The River Model, The Lake Model)
- Waste Load Allocation
- Environmental Assessment 
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